Download our CIF Checklist
Increase your chances of a successful outcome
Navigating the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) process, from application criteria to the strategic presentation of your project, demands thorough understanding and attention to detail
To help you produce a winning bid, the team at S2e have developed a useful checklist to improve your chances of success. It will tell you:
what data and documentation you need
how to project plan
how to budget and plan financially for success
As more schools enter SCA eligible trusts, the funding allocated to CIF is shrinking. Despite this, nearly one third of institutions available for the Condition Improvement Fund are in SCA condition bands H or below, meaning their schools estate is below average condition. Please see here for more information on SCA condition bands or contact us directly to discuss your band.
After a decade of writing CIF bids, our key piece of advice to increase your chance of success, is to start planning for your next submission as early as possible.
To download the CIF checklist, please fill in your details below:
If you would like help applying for Condition Improvement Funding, please click on the button below or contact us directly on 0116 5070130 or email
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Head Office
Surveyors to Education
The Old Barn, Unit 10
10 Narborough Wood Park
Desford Road
LE19 4XT