Energy Strategy & Net Zero

An integrated approach to net zero

We combine our energy strategy services with our expertise in building condition and maintenance to develop custom net zero roadmaps for our clients. Working with S2e you can expect:

  • A realistic plan of action, balancing building condition and energy efficiency initiatives

  • Recommendations for quick wins to improve energy performance and deliver immediate cost savings

  • Use of the latest thermography technology to understand insulation levels across your estate, delivering a non-intrusive way to understand thermal performance of school blocks

  • Long term plans for decarbonisation with support for funding applications

  • Knowledge that you are ready to act when funding for decarbonisation of the education sector becomes available

  • Continuous support from a team of chartered building surveyors, architects, M&E engineers and health and safety specialists working collaboratively to deliver tailored solutions for your needs.

Regardless of where you are on your journey, we can support you into the next stage. Whether you have your Climate Action Plans in place and are seeking to start delivering projects or you need help in setting up your sustainability leadership team and defining your goals.

For more information on how we can support your school, college, academy or MAT, please call 0116 5070130 or email