Ebook: How to decarbonise your school estate
Ebook Download: How to decarbonise your school estate
Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and academies are moving towards greener and cleaner ways of using energy. They are going fossil-fuel free because fighting climate change is so important to students, their parents and their teachers.
We are all trying to use less plastic, recycle more and walk, cycle or take public transport rather than drive. But this ebook will help you go a stage further – decarbonising your buildings to reduce your carbon footprint and save money.
Funding, through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, is available because the Government knows that helping the public sector go fossil-fuel free is vital to achieving the UK’s target of hitting net zero (zero carbon emissions) by 2050.
But grant applications can be difficult and time-consuming to complete successfully – so as expert chartered building surveyors working only in education, we are here to help. We hope this ebook will answer many of your questions.
The ebook looks at the two essentials of decarbonisation:
Generating energy: from heat pumps to solar panels, biomass and wind power.
Conserving energy: from insulation to smart energy-management technologies.
It’s about replacing grumbling old boilers and making draughty classrooms and sports halls far more comfortable places to teach and learn. It’s also about energy savings that can free up extra money for other demands within your school.
And while wind turbines, solar panels and heat pumps are making schools more environmentally friendly, they can also play a part in science lessons and your overall fossil-fuel free strategy.
If you would like a FREE assessment of whether you are eligible for Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) funding please click here.
We hope you find our ebook on how to decarbonise your school estate useful and if you need any further support please do not hesitate to contact us on 0116 5070130 or email on enquire@s2e.org.uk.
If you would like to download the eBook, please fill in your details below: