Starting an academy construction project? Don't ignore CDM

Embarking on a construction project is exciting for any school, academy or Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). After all the planning and raising funds, your dream of a new sports hall, modular classrooms, roofs, boilers or replacement kitchen is getting closer.

It is tempting to think you can just appoint a builder and get on with it.

In fact, the regulations around Health & Safety on construction sites make things more complicated than they can first appear. And whether you are having maintenance or new building work carried out, you will have legal duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) and all other associated Regulations.

You are even responsible for ensuring everyone on site has an enhanced DBS check to work around children.

Your statutory responsibilities

If you don't know your “Control of Work at Height Regulations 2005” from your “Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005”, it is wise to first seek professional guidance about what is involved.

It's about avoiding costly mistakes, as well as protecting your staff, pupils and parents – and your reputation.

Abiding by your statutory responsibilities will ensure no-one is harmed during the work, that your building is safe to use and maintain, and that it gives you good value.

Did you know that, if your project will involve more than one contractor, you will need to appoint (in writing) an Architect/Designer, Principal Designer and a Principal Contractor? And that you are responsible for discussing with them before work starts – and throughout the build – how risks ranging from falls from height to fire and exposure to asbestos are being managed?

Surveyors to Education (S2e) can support you in choosing qualified designers and contractors, ensuring every CDM 2015 requirement is met, obtaining the documentation needed to meet your legal obligations and giving you the confidence that you have everything on track.

Devastating reputational cost

Going it alone can be counterproductive.

As well as putting workers and others at risk of injury, the finished structure may not achieve the high standards and value for money that will provide your staff and students with the best learning environment to excel.

Serious breaches of safety legislation could mean construction is stopped by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), with extra work needed to put things right. As well as additional material and labour costs, the HSE charges a fee for intervention at £160.00 per hour.

In the most serious circumstances, you could also be prosecuted. The reputational cost to your school, academy or MAT of something going wrong can be devastating and long lasting, with potential impact on your OFSTED rating.

Having S2e’s professional help can ease the burden and give you the knowledge you need to make your school’s vision a reality.

Contact us today to find out more at or call 01530 877 969.